Laval Chronicles

With Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte
Published by Verticale - centre d’artistes

Artists : Donna Akrey, Anne Bertrand, Claire Dumoulin, Julie Fournier Lévesque, Shane Krepakevich, Vanessa Kwan, Marc Laforest, Jean-François Prost, Jacinthe Robillard and Étienne Tremblay-Tardif

Ten artists have explored various aspects of the city of Laval through lived experiences, on-site expeditions, historical research, and the projection of possibilities. Via a series of postcards, these artists propose speculative, imaginative, and imprecise conceptions of this suburb. These Laval Chronicles propose a discovery of Laval in all its specificity, but also broach issues regarding the suburb: a place whose landscape is constructed through housing developments risen from old buildings and new infrastructures, and where official history mingles with personal stories. This collection of postcards offers a partial topography of the city, foregrounding simple stories, transient surroundings, and ordinary dreams. The postcards are brought together in the form of a publication, but will also return to Laval individually and furtively. Placed in various locations or delivered by mail, they are destined to travel, to be picked up by visitors on the move, or sent as missives.