Cut Flowers

De la terre sous les ongles

With Sara A.Tremblay
Curated by Samuel Gaudreau-Lalande and Julie-Ann Latulippe
Colby-Curtis Museum, Stanstead, QC
June 2023 - April 2024

“In their photographs, Anne-Marie Proulx and Sara A.Tremblay show their personal relationship with the environment they each inhabit. This relationship is not strictly contemplative and is not without pain: the notions of care and attention are at the heart of the experiences they represent. Relationships are never given but based on an ongoing commitment to the garden and its components, through repeated motions, both personal and shared.” – Samuel Gaudreau-Lalande et Julie-Ann Latulippe, curators

Prints : VU and François Lafrance
Mounting : François Simard and Martin Schop

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec for its support.